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If you have any queries that

would best be answered by a message direct to our club Quartermaster then please use this message link

Before sending any query please consider if the answer is obtainable on the website, within any emails you may have received or within the WebCollect area

Enquiries to

PHCC’s Quartermaster Secretary

Please add your comments suggestions or queries in the area alongside

E-mail Address



Paul Sutton

               PHCC’s Quartermaster

The role of the Quartermaster is make sure the kayaks, canoes, paddles and other equipment  stored at the clubhouse are in a satisfactory and safe condition to be used by the members.

New systems that might make storing the equipment and identifying sizes of items such as buoyancy aids and spray-decks have been introduced and make the whole experience of selecting, using and returning club equipment much easier.

Please always replace boats in the storage spaces they came from :-)


With the difficulties associated with storing all of our boats and maintaining equipment as well as sorting issues with the boathouse Paul generally has a fair amount to handle -  but has still found time to paddle constantly !  Club emails are often sent out when tasks that need support occur and Paul would always appreciate help on those occasions.

Boathouse Room Enquiry (Lake Pier) Room Booking Enquiry Site-Search